The SRMA Accreditation Process

Each SRMA candidate will be supported through a rigorous induction and accreditation process provided by EPI as the DfE approved accreditor.

The candidate journey is detailed below:

Find below the summary of each stages of the Accreditation Journey

  • Induction – web-based meeting
  • Accreditation preparation – one to one phone call
  • Training – online / face to face training event
  • Accreditation case study – desk top review
  • Accreditation panel session – face to face interview
  • Accreditation approved – certificate issued

Induction Stage




Web-based meeting

·       Candidates sign up with a Supplier organisation – ISBL or North Yorkshire County Council.


·      Suppliers register candidates through the EPI portal.

·      Candidates’ complete supplier application form

·      Suppliers book through EPI portal

·      EPI provide welcome email and confirms with Web link

·      Join and participate


Sessions run twice monthly


A session lasts 2 hours

Stage 1 – Induction – web-based

•        Who? Open for practitioners who meet the role description and essential criteria who have been put forward for accreditation by a SMRA supplier organisation.

•        What? A web-based meeting, where a series of slides are used to inform and induct potential candidates about the role and DfE expectations

•        How? Suppliers to book through the EPI portal

•        When? Inductions will take place on twice a month, please see event schedules for further details.

•        Where? Led by EPI using Microsoft Teams.

•        Next steps? Interested practitioners apply for stage 2 and / or stage 3.

Accreditation preparation

One to one phone call

·  EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA to liaise with candidate and book one to one call.

·  EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA completes one to one feedback form.

·  EPI Contracts Manager to provide feedback and confirmation candidate is suitable to progress to supplier.


Available to suit candidate and EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA

Stage 2 – Accreditation preparation – one to one phone call (mandatory)

·     Who? Open for practitioners who have taken part in the induction stage

·     What? An opportunity for interested candidates to have a personal one-to one telephone conversation with an accredited SRMA to ask any questions ahead of the next stage. EPI require candidates to undertake this process to allow an EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA to assess the participant’s suitability and recommend any further training they may require to successfully pass the accreditation panel to their supplier.  EPI’s aim is to ensure all candidates prepare well for the accreditation stages.

·     How? EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA to liaise with participants to book.

·     When? Phone call with EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA booked directly with participant. The phone call may take up to 30 minutes at a time to suit both parties.

·     Next steps? Interested practitioners apply for stage 3.



Candidates to attend EPI training event

·  Supplier to book training event for candidate

·  EPI Contracts Manager to confirm booking and event details.


Training sessions run twice monthly


A session lasts 1.5 hours

Stage 3 – Accreditation training – EPI SRMA training event

·     Who? Open for practitioners who have taken part in the induction stages 1 and 2.

·     What? Training event providing participants with key information and training materials in preparation for assessment.

·     How? Suppliers to book participants via the EPI portal.  Delivery will be via Face to Face or Online platform.


Accreditation case study

Desktop review

·  Supplier to book via EPI Portal

·  Supplier must provide EPI with name and contact email of candidate, before case study booked

·  EPI to confirm booking and sends task to candidate

·  EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA’s to review candidates case study and complete feedback form for the Accreditation Panel.

Case studies are sent out weekly

Stage 4 – Accreditation case study – desk top review

·       Who? Open for practitioners who have been recommended to progress to the accreditation stage.

·       What? Test of knowledge & skills. Candidates will be sent

— Case study intelligence overview of organisation requiring support – for information

— Data on current resource management – for information

— Existing Recovery Plan – for information

— SRMA Recommendations Report Template Form – to be completed

·      How? EPI Contract Manager emails the case study documents to the candidate at an agreed time and they must return their findings within 24 hours. EPI will acknowledge receipt and pass onto approved EPI Accreditation Lead SRMA assessors who will review the findings. Candidates will not be passed or failed at this point and so all will continue to interview.

·      When? Available for candidates at their request – as agreed with your supplier. Candidates have 24 hours to return the completed documentation via the EPI portal or email to  EPI will acknowledge returned forms with a reply email. EPI will not chase candidates for their documentation, failure to return forms will be taken as the candidate withdrawing from the process.

·      Where? Candidates conduct the case study review in their own time and at their chosen venue.

·      Next steps? Supplier organisation books candidate onto a panel session via the EPI portal. EPI to confirm the time and location of their accreditation panel session (face-to-face) with a candidate.   Where face to face interviews cannot be run EPI


Accreditation panel session

– face to face interview

· Supplier to book via EPI portal

·  Candidates cannot be booked onto a panel unless they have booked their case study

·  EPI confirms & sends information about venue and time of session

·  Assessors interview candidates – exploring Recommendations in SRMA Template

·  EPI informs supplier and candidate of result – pass / fail Option to retake stage 3 & 4 offered Candidates who do not pass first time can retake the accreditation assessment. A third attempt may be allowed if there is a strong case for it and the Department must agree.

·  Feedback through supplier provided if candidate failed so that they know areas to address before retake. This will also allow them to decide the speed that they apply for the retake based on the knowledge/skill gap identified.

Accreditation panels run twice monthly

8 slots per panel

A panel lasts 1.5 hours

Stage 5 – Accreditation panel session – face to face interview


·  Who? Open for practitioners who have undertaken a part in the induction stages 1-4. 

·  What? Test skills and behaviours, with particular reference to ICFP.

·  How? A face-to-face meeting with two Assessors to stress test candidates through an in- depth discussion. A scenario style will be used with the Assessors playing the role of the Chair of Governors / Chair of Trustees and the Head / CE.

·  When? Face to face panel assessment 50-minute interview and feedback sessions available.

·  Where? Venues – Regional locations and online

·  Next steps? EPI to inform candidate and supplier via email of the outcome: Pass / Fail / one option to reapply. Verbal feedback will be offered from EPI to the candidate and supplier.


Accreditation approved

·         EPI – sends official DfE certificate to the supplier organisation

Within 7 days of the accreditation panel

Stage 6 – Accreditation Approved


·   Who? Successful candidates

·   What? Once SRMA Accreditation has been confirmed as successful, EPI will issue an official accreditation certificate to the SRMA, sent via the supplier organisation. This can be presented as part of their CPD and kept for the SRMA’s own personal records

·   How? Emailed from EPI

·   When? Within 48 hours after accreditation officially confirmed

·   Where? From EPI Contracts Team

·   Next steps? SRMA can be deployed.